Great Sites For Hunting For Alligators

By Mark Bell

The southern states of the US have for decades been known to host vast populations of gators. Each year, licensed hunters from the rest of the country converge at different public and privately owned marshes to hunt them for a variety of reasons. The spots below are great if you intend to go hunting for alligators.

Starting off the list is Louisiana. For many hunters, the state is some sort of paradise thanks to its abundance of lush swamps. Many of the swamp systems in the state are primarily fed by the local Atchafalaya River. This river has the largest measured drainage basin in America.

Up to 30 percent of the basin consists of marshland, with the remaining 70 percent being forested. The marshes provide a lot of food for fish, hence favoring a booming fish population. In turn, the fish provide food for the gators, meaning hunters in the area stand a greater chance of bagging huge gators as compared to other locations in the country.

Many also consider Florida as a prime location for this activity. As you head south towards the end of the St. Johns River, you get to the St. Johns Marsh. The marsh has a pretty impressive alligator population, so you can be assured of a catch any day you visit. By capacity, the river is the largest in the whole of Florida. The local authorities allow up to 500 hunting permits per year for this river, making it a favorite spot amongst seasoned trophy hunters.

Texas is home to Victoria County, another location worthy of mentioning. The county is situated right by the coastline of Texas as you head to the southeast side of the city. The location has seen a number of large gator captures through the years.

Each passing month, the local authorities respond to as many as 500 distress calls from homeowners. The gator species found here are pretty bold and therefore venture into public pools and homes on a regular basis. For inexperienced hunters, catching them is always challenging.

Another splendid site is the Bayou Pierre River. It is a river that courses Eastwards away from the Mississippi. The area has long harbored large ferocious gators. The Pierre River also has a record for hosting the largest male gator ever captured in open waters. When the gator was measured, it was found to weigh 686 pounds and was fourteen feet long.

Alabama hosts a large gator population too. While many associate Lake Eufaula, found locally, with duck hunting, few know of its alligator population. Some few years back, one alligator attempted to sink a hunting boat by biting into its side. The hunter eventually caught it and thrust the area into the limelight once they told their story to news outlets.

While a hunt can be exciting, ensure you stick to the rules of your jurisdiction. An integral rule is licensing. If you do not have one, you should not hunt to avoid being jailed or fined. Also note that certain sites are protected, so know the status of every place before venturing in.

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