My Dad's Fishing Boat

By Charlie Reese

The first time I went on a fishing boat I was about 25 years old. I had always been scared of water previously and, to be honest, if I hadn't been a bit drunk and in sort of a reckless mood that day, I wouldn't have even agree to go out. The friend who took me out was just the opposite of me.

He had practically been raised on fishing boats. He had been sea fishing, lake fishing, river fly fishing " he had done pretty much any kind of fishing you could think of. He had even done it professionally for a couple of years, but had left that life behind because he missed his girlfriend too much.

The sort of expedition we were going on was pretty tame in comparison to some of the stuff he had done. This was not one of those big deep sea fishing boats that I used to watch going out to sea when our family would take trips out to the ocean side. This was just a little aluminum fishing boat " basically a small, flat bottomed boat with a little outboard motor on it. It was stable for its size, but its size wasn't very big.

As soon as we left sure, I started to regret it. As I said, I'd never been on fishing boats before, and rocking back and forth, already a little tipsy, was doing nothing to assuage my anxious stomach. All my other friends made fun of me because I was hanging on for dear life as we went along at the overwhelming speed of 5 knots.

As soon as he moored it in the middle of the water, however, I calmed down a little bit. I didn't realize that, with fishing boats, the goal was to find a good spot and then sit there. I would have been down with that. I just wasn't into the traveling to and from part. As soon as we were sitting there, rocking gently with the waves, I actually started to enjoy it. It was really mellowing me out nicely, and the look of the sea and the sky had me drifting off into a blissful state. I did not actually catch anything, but one of my friends did. He got a big bass that was actually large enough to feed all of us together. We took it in, cleaned it and cooked it up, and served it simple with some boiled potatoes. Somehow, the fact that we had caught it made it taste better.

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