5 Great Places for Biking in the American West

By Pat J Walker

A vacation where you can take your bicycle and spend the day on the trails and then enjoy a relaxing evening is a vacation I want to go on. Below are a few places I have had the pleasure of enjoying this exact kind of vacation and would recommend you do too. So head to the trails, rest your soul and get regenerated. These places just have to be experienced. Enjoy.

Black Diamond, Washington. The Pacific Northwest is an unbelievable place, especially when you are looking to vacation outdoors. The Black Diamond Coal Mines in Washington State has some of my favorite biking trails in the country and are tops in the West. The trails take you through the forests of Lake Sawyer, Frog Lake and Ravensdale Creek. Check them out, I know you wont be disappointed.

Oregon, Hagg Lake. This lake is so beautiful that when you arrive you may think you accidentally stepped onto the backdrop of an old western. The trail is enough that you know you went riding but easy enough so that you can still enjoy your evenings. At 15 miles you may decide to ride it more than once unless you bring the kids along. Either way make sure to jump in the lake to cool off and have fun.

Napa, CA. An argument toward bias could be made against me because I love wine. However, even those who never imbibe will truly enjoy the rolling hills and lush vineyards at every turn in this region of Northern California. For me, the Mount Saint Helena North Peak is an easy ride and doesn't require a map. Clearly well traveled, this trail will give you that lost in the foothills feeling.

Monterey, California. Just a few hours south down the California Coast from the Napa Valley, Monterey California is one of the most beautiful areas in the country. And one of the most beautiful rides in the country is Monterey's 17 Mile Drive. Moving between sea level up to one hundred feet, this ride can test the will of beginning cyclists but should be considered an entry level trail. I suggest starting down the road a bit at Lovers Point in Pacific Grove especially in the autumn when the monarch butterflies are in town. It is a sight everyone should see at least once in their life and is a majestic way to start a bike ride.

Kona, HI. Due to a lot of rainfall, this area of Hawaii is especially lush and green. There are so many natural wonders to see in Hawaii it is hard to narrow it down. The trails on this area will include such incredible sights as Hilo Bay, Pepeekeo Scenic Drive, Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden, and Akaka Falls.

I hope this list has helped you to narrow your focus when choosing a great place for a biking vacation. All of these destinations are incredible and can be enjoyed by the entire family. I always love a family vacation where we plan to ride our bikes. It cleanses the soul and helps to put everything in prospective. Whenever I get super stressed, I know its time for a biking vacation. These are some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy them.

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