Beginning Mountain Biker Skills

By Michael Saunders

Learning mountain biking is not that hard. Beginners would find the rules easy to follow as they start the lessons. Just like simple biking, mountain biking is enjoyable and full of excitement since you will have to face many challenges along the road and that you will need specials skills in biking so as you will not get hooked up while climbing up or going down a hill.

You can practice these beginning skills at a local park, school, bike path, or simply around your house. If you can, try to find a location with a steep hill.

Feel your pedals

Be familiar with your own pedals by practicing some foot movements then slowly move your foot away from the pedal while the other one is on the ground. Then practice the release and replace of your foot while pedaling around the area. If your pedal is toe clip or clip-less type, you have to do more practice to master the skills correctly.

Sit and spin to look for the right position

This is just the basic skill of sitting and spinning on your bike while pedaling around the area. Just make sure your arms are slightly bent and your leg is positioned on a 70 to 90 percent with your seat adjusted accordingly. Relax your body while biking so as your shoulders and knees and elbows are not locked.

Learn when to shift gears

Practice how and when you should shift the gears. Bikes with higher gears would be hard to pedal and would move on fast while bikes with lower gears are easy to pedal but will be able to support you in ascending the hills. As a beginner you should know that upon approaching steeper hills your gears should be shift by now instead of shifting the gears when you are already on the hill.

Learn coasting or gliding

Coasting on bike is such an enjoyable thing to do when it comes to mountain biking. You can stand off your seat while standing on the pedals keeping your arms bent and your knees unlocked so you could easily do your movements. You can also do some experiments on moving your body weight while coasting.

Practice pedaling while standing

Make yourself comfortable with your pedals while standing on it as you bike around. Lift yourself off the seat and do the pedaling while shifting your gears to high when in flat ground and low gears on steep hills.

Practice dropping down a curb

As you bike around, look for a curb and practice your speed while on it. When you get to the top try to change your speed, from moderate to fast and as you go down, standing and coasting off the curb until you get familiar with this skill.

Once you practice these techniques and get the hang of them, you'll be able to hit the trails feeling comfortable on your mountain bike. Even though it may take some getting used to, it'll become second nature before you know it.

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