Capt. Paul Braly and "Seine Net" - A Saturday morning to remember

By Captain Paul Braly

My granddad was a great surf fisherman, so it's no wonder, my Dad, Paul Braly Sr., got the nickname, "Seine Net". When he is fishing in front of you, that's what it feels like if you are behind him waiting for leftovers to come your way, and Saturday morning was no different, when I had the pleasure to get to go along fishing with him.

My dad grew up fishing bait in the guts of the gulf beach and not ever really being a plugger aside from some speck rigs now and then back in the "cooler full and your done" days. These days he doesn't know what bait is and he can clean an area quick so I don't let him get too far out in front of me while wading the same shoreline.

This foggy, Saturday morning, we carefully headed to our fishing hole. We started casting the shoreline, opting for a Pink Hologram Devil Eyes with TruLock 1/16 oz jigs as our rig of choice. It didn?t take but a few minutes of wading until we came upon some 18-20" trout and Dad, sitting next to me, hooked into a monster after the fish nudged the lure three times first. We grabbed a photo of the 7 pounder before we put him back, unharmed.

We hit a few more 2 pounders as we were casting our way back up the shore, before the action stopped as an airboat came along and hopped into a lake ahead of us. We headed back to the boat and decided to move on, since that was a pretty good sign that action was over. At our next spot, half the fog lifted since it was about 8:15, so we didn't have to keep looking for other boats coming up on us.

This time, I got the first strike that felt, for a bit, that I had outdone "Seine Net's" earlier trout, but I ended up having a redfish on the end of the line. That was the beginning of a 20 cast run that ended up giving us 11 more redfish between us and we hadn't even moved 50 yards during the whole thing. Our arms sure hurt though after it was over horsing in that many redfish.

We normally don't keep many fish, but with Christmas coming, my brother was coming from Irving and was hoping we could snag into some to have for Christmas dinner, so we kept 6 redfish and the five smaller trout but we set that big one, the 7 pounder, free to get a little bigger for another day.

I?ve never seen any other soft plastic give that kind of results, since we each only used that one lure, all morning. You can go through a lot of lures with 5-6 redfish back to back per person. Dad and I would have stayed on the water later than 9:30am, if we knew we were getting back just in time to get a list of household chores lined up for us to do.

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