Carp Fishing Bait Secrets For Your Best Catch Ever!

By Tim Richardson

Carp fishing gets more competitive every year so you need tricks to give you the edge over competing anglers and their baits and methods. Here are a number of well-proven big fish tactics and tricks and some deeper just as instant home truths about baits; their true effects on carp, and how much they are under-exploited by the majority of carp anglers!

When you think about carp fishing, after location and a sharp hook you might consider bait to be a less important factor; well I disagree; Ive seen big carp caught on the crudest of rigs on the bluntest of hooks possible on outrageously thick nylon line and certainly fished in places seemingly totally devoid of any fish. But the factor that really did get the fish on the hook was the bait. In fact I have gone as far as testing numerous hooks, rigs, (very thick hook links and big heavy hooks too,) and what makes the most difference is the bait recipe employed; the fish response to this has proven to over-ride other considerations to the degree they are pretty secondary.

To illustrate a point I went to Horseshoe Lake and tested a friends spod ground bait mix, and compared it to 2 of my homemade spod mixes built on more detailed scientific information; the result was surprising and very revealing to say the least. My friend had been a bailiff on the water and had become a top rod there using his own homemade spod ground bait mix recipe so it had been very successful. His mix and my ones (based on his identical mix but with some vitally important added extras,) were placed in the margins of a stock pond where the carp could be clearly seen; the carp headed straight for the adapted baits and soon were clouding the water and competing with tench and roach, even head-butting the bottom when the bait was gone and meanwhile, not even a roach touched the original spod mix which sat there as if it was invisible!

What occurred and the severe black and white result of the spod baits test came as a big shock to my friend who simply could not understand why his best spod mix had been left there on the bottom completely untouched by obviously very stimulated carp, tench and roach. I had expected to be able to improve on the performance and response strength of his spod mix by adding the potent substances chosen but I did not really believe myself that these would completely stop the original bait from being eaten at all and this was a shock to me too as the implications are very powerful and far-reaching indeed. If you ever fish next to someone and fail to catch on what is your best bait or a formerly very successful bait you might well question what it is doing or not doing and how it has been designed (or not) to specifically impact on your fishes senses and other systems...

Baits vary by huge margins when it comes to how well they perform in various situations against competing baits and ultimately the job of any bait is simply to get an anglers hook inside the mouth of a fish to hook it but this is far more complex in many more ways than this appears while also being pretty simple! The fact that the vast percentage of anglers free baits get regularly consumed with ease by carp without them ever getting hooked is also a hugely important area to investigate because this is not simply about effective rigs at all and very much about truly maximising bait performance in the first place! There is no coincidence that so many old nasty smelling baits found in the bottom of rucksacks (and put on a rig as a last resort,) so frequently catch so-called surprise carp, very soon after being cast out during a bite-less session, and it must be remembered that carp can sample baits using various senses without ever touching them or even mouthing them at all.

Those big and smaller wary carp we all really want often respond best to baits that are new especially if they contain levels and combinations of substances not familiar or completely new to them and this especially is where homemade baits and ground baits very seriously score!

By being able to make your own baits and adapt readymade baits you control many vital aspects of bait, from the ways they impact on carp senses, rate of metabolism and feeding and digestion, to your all important bait cost itself! Picture the effect on carp of being able to introduce free baits with far high levels of natural feed-triggering substances than bait companies can afford to sell profitably and the results you will be able to achieve! Probably the most obvious example for this cold water period is the possibility of including far higher levels of the famous green lipped mussel extract and betaine hydrochloride for instance which are very well proven to keep carp feeding more strongly and more repeatedly for longer, thus giving you far more chances of bites and hooked fish...

Just the popularity of one substance such as betaine shows that one substance that carp are naturally highly stimulated by can have a big improvement in catches, but there are many other substances to exploit in many various ways. Just as betaine and corn steep liquor are used in powder and soluble liquid forms you can apply this to a vast multitude of other substances you might never have considered before. The successful permutations and combinations are truly endless always keeping you ahead of those ever changing and adapting carp.

Carp bait success in many ways is about the efficient maintenance of a concentration of feeding triggers and attractors etc around your hook baits. Anyone who fishes with glugged broken boilies in glug-filled PVA bags, and compares their catch results to using whole readymade baits straight from the bag (and used alone in PVA bags,) will be shocked by the difference! But perhaps the most sobering thought about making your own homemade baits and ground baits is not just the impact they can have versus popular conventional baits, but the degree you can control their cost and produce incredibly effective baits to your own recipes, with far higher levels of potent ingredients than bait companies can offer profitably! Read on for my uniquely proven homemade bait and fishing bait secrets ebooks...

By Tim Richardson.

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