Cycling Your Way to Fitness

By PJ Williams

In the last article we discussed things to do before you start riding your bike regularly for exercise. Here, we will take a look at things to do that will keep you riding for exercise for a long time to come. As always, consult with your doctor before implementing any new exercise regimen.

1. Try different types of riding. If you ride most days for either speed or endurance, work in some moderate riding days during your periods of rest. On the moderate days you can bring the kids along to enjoy the ride. Remember that rest is important to any regimen and don't overdo it or you will quit. But riding with the family is a great way to stay motivated.

2. Grab a friend. It has been proven again and again that buddying up will help keep your fitness routine consistent. If you have children, look into bringing them along for your moderate days.

3. Make sure you eat right. Eating correctly is the first step to achieving any kind of physical and mental health. Talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to develop a plan that works for you. A good place to start is to eat in moderation and include plenty of good carbs and protein. A good carbohydrate is fruit, nuts and veggies. A bad one is processed bread and refined sugar.

4. Drink a lot of water. Adult male bodies can have up to 60 percent water. Adult women usually have a little less, about 55 percent. Either way it is essential to replenish our bodies water supply when we are exercising. Our bodies need to be hydrated and when our muscles know more water is coming they will choose not to retain it. This helps you to lose water weight and stay healthy.

5. Keep a log of what you are eating and where you are riding. Keeping records has always helped me to keep track of my fitness goals, especially when I just getting started. Writing down goals and acheivements triggers a mental response that makes us feel more accountable. A simple google search will bring you lots of different fitness calendars and goal sheets. I highly recommend finding one that works for you.

These tips are designed to keep you biking for fitness, both mental and physical. A lot can be said for getting fresh air and spending time with family and friends. Bike riding is an excellent activity to get and keep you and your family in shape. Remember to have some fun, eat and exercise in moderation and ask your doctor about any concerns. If you keep these tips in mind you will be biking for years to come.

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