How To Buy A Mountain Bike

By Tom Fordson

If you plan to buy a mountain bike in the near future, there are several factors you will need to take into consideration. One of the most important factors of choosing a mountain bike is what you are going to be using the mountain bike for.

Mountain biking is a very general term. There's a lot of different kinds of mountain biking that goes on. For example, the most avid mountain bikers, as the name implies, like to take their mountain bikes to rugged and rocky mountain terrain. Other mountain bikers prefer unpaved roads and trails, while other mountain bike enthusiasts stick to paved roads and bike paths.

There is a direct correlation to kind of riding you will do and the type of mountain bike you should buy. Three things to pay special attention to are the mountain bike's tires, the mountain bike's forks, and the mountain bike's saddle.

Choosing mountain bike forks.There are different types of mountain bike forks, but the main thing you want to look for are shocks. Mountain bikes with shocks will generally be more comfortable to ride than those that do not have shocks, and will also be better equipped to go over rougher terrain. Mountain bikes without shocks will have a more rigid feel to them, but you may find that these bikes are built more for speed than mountain bikes without shocks.

Picking mountain bike saddles. Some saddles are very light weight and do not offer a lot of padding. Some saddles are heavier and offer a lot of cushioning. Generally, mountain bikes that have saddles without a lot of padding are more high performance oriented, while those that have more cushioning in the saddle are designed for leisurely riding. Some mountain bikes also have shock absorbent seat posts.

In most cases, you will end up trying a few different bike saddles to see which is best. Experimenting is really one of the only ways that you're going to find out the kind of seats that you like.

Selecting mountain bike tires. When you buy a mountain bike, take a look at the tires. Do you plan to ride on very rugged terrain? Then make sure the tires are wide, a little bulky, and provides lots of traction. Do you plan on riding only on pavement? Then stick with a tire that is a little narrower and smoother, but provides a little bit of traction. This doesn't mean that you can't use a tire with a lot of traction on pavement, but you will get more speed with a smoother tire.

These are just a few basics for buying a mountain bike. Ultimately, buy a mountain bike that you enjoy will probably be riding the mountain bike you purchase for the next 5 or 10 years. As your passion develops, you will find that you refine your preferences on bike gear.

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