Keep Fog From Ruining Paintball Games With a Thermal Lens

By Fred Rodgers

Paintball is a game that relies heavily on being able to spot opponents. If you can't see your opponents, you will have little chance of being able to hit them with a paintball. If your opponent can see you, but you can't see them, you won't have much of a chance.

A paintball mask is a very important piece of equipment. With much of the game of paintball relying on your vision, you want a mask that doesn't hinder your vision, and one that won't fog up when you are playing paintball.

Single pane lenses dont do the job. Many masks come with a single pane lens. It may the mask has fog protection, but that may be no more than a fog spray put on the lens. After a couple of games, the fog spray will wear off and youll have a fogged up mask.

When you are playing paintball, chances are you will get your blood pumping and your body will generate more heat. Unless you have a nice thermal lens, your mask will fog up.

With a fogged up lens, you are basically playing paintball with your eyes closed. Only Chuck Norris can play paintball with his eyes closed and win, so unless you are Chuck Norris, get a thermal lens.

A thermal lens is the answer to foggy lens woes. Thermal lenses prevent fogging and will save you when you are heating up. Thermal lenses lock air in between two lenses. The air in between the two lenses is what keeps it from fogging up.

A thermal lens may be more expensive than a single pane lens, but it is worth every penny to have one. Whatever kind of mask you have, you should be able to find a thermal lens that fits it.

If you want to be able to play paintball to your best ability, a thermal lens is an investment because it will help keep you in the game and fog free.

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