Saltwater Fishing For Sharks

By Jerry Collinsburg

If you have never went fishing for sharks before, then you will need to know some basic information before you get out there. Sharks are very aggressive and can also be very dangerous, so I will go over what you need to know about shark fishing.

Sharks can be found all over the world, most of them like water temperatures to be in the 75 degree water range, give or take. If you are serious about fishing for big sharks you should try and stay away from extremely warm waters.

When you plan on going shark fishing, you need to be prepared. Many people would advise keeping a checklist beforehand in order to help you with preparation, some things that you should include when packing for your trip are chum and proper gear. Your rods and reels should be able to handle a two pound hundred fish or greater.

As most of us know that sharks can smell blood from miles away, so you will need some bloody chum to attract them by the boat. As for bait I would recommend using live bait, like a big pinfish or blur runner with the tail cut off.

Depending on what type of shark you are going after, will mainly decide what kind of bait and tackle set up you will need. Some sharks like to swim really deep, while others will rise to the surface when they smell the blood, hook size is very important along with having a gaff if you plan on landing the shark.

You should have your drag set at medium, enough to when a shark hits the bait the hook will set itself, if it is too loose it will be harder to set the hook, if it is too light the line could snap. Fighting the shark is the fun part, lift the rod up and reel in while lifting the rod down, repeat this process until the shark is up to the boat.

Once you have the shark up to the boat you have the option of landing it or setting it free. To land a shark you will need help, you can gaff the shark if it is not to big. If the shark is huge, you will have to rope the shark inland tied behind or beside the boat.

As sharks have been overfished, you should only keep a shark if you have plans to eat it, use it in a tournament or if you believe it is a contender for the world record. You can have your picture taken with a shark without killing it.

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