The Truth About Koi Aquarium

By Brad Koi Aquarium Kooper

Hey there in this article I am going to be talking about buying a Koi aquarium. If you are thinking about buying one then its important that you read this.

Koi are extremely relaxing fish to watch and more and more people are starting to buy them, Koi have great colourings and are fantastic creatures.

The reason you are probably thinking about keeping them in a Koi aquarium is because you want to enjoy them in the house instead of leaving them outside.

Some people like to keep Koi indoors because there are too many wild animals outside or because they have a very small garden.

However Koi can grow quite large and therefore need lots of space to roam about and grow. So if you do want to keep you Koi in a Koi aquarium indoors then you will need a large tank.

Keeping Koi in a Koi aquarium is not a good thing to do for a couple of reasons.

Firstly Koi can become very active and splash about sometimes when they become excited so this is not good for the aquarium.

The second reason is that in the wild there is always more than one Koi in a pond often times hundreds, but in a Koi aquarium you must only have at most two Koi for every 150 gallons of water.

Thirdly it may interest you to know that in the outdoors Koi can often times try to leap out of the water so obviously if your Koi is in a Koi aquarium then its not going to be able to do this so you will need a very good lid.

If you still think it's a good idea to keep Koi indoors then you don't want to keep more than 2 koi in a 150 gallon tank.

From the research I have done a 150 gallon tank will cost you between $400 to $800 for a new one but you can get second hand ones cheaper.

In my opinion it's not the best idea to keep Koi in an aquarium, it's a much better idea to buy goldfish or tropical fish.

I hope this information has helped you learn more about buying a Koi aquarium.

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