Want To Sell Your Boat? Value And Market It The Right Way!

By John Howard

Once you have found out about evaluating your boat, there are lots of things that you can do during the sale to make sure that you get the most value out of the transaction.

If you chose to sell your boat privately, you will save the costs of a Dealer or Broker, but it is important for you to get organised so that you don't miss on any crucial details.

One of the most important elements of boat marketing and sales is the presentation. You need to do something that will make your vessel stand out amongst all the boats and yachts that are advertised for sale. Pointing out the unique points that your boat has is one of the best methods.

It's good to take lots of quality digital pictures of the boat, not only of the whole boat from the outside but also of details and of the interior. Good pictures from a past trip may do the trick, but don't just rely on travel photographs and make sure that you have the best possible photos, as this could make or break your search for prospects.

Do also make up your mind upon what kind of online advert you would like. If it is a paid advert, you also need to make your mind up as to and what duration you wish to opt for. Two months is a good recommended timeframe.

Another great place for adverts are signboards of local marinas or boating clubs, especially considering that it is likely that the buyer will be from the surrounding area. You can use a printout of your online ad to advertise on signboards. Trade magazines are another advertising platform to consider.

When preparing the ad, your focus should be on making sure that it stands out. Of course you should list all the technical specifications, but concentrate on what makes your boat unique and especially valuable. Adding an anecdote from your use of the boat is nice, as it personalizes the vessel.

Once a serious potential buyer has been found, you will need to be ready to answer lots of questions, so be ready with all the specifications, history, extra pictures, and other info that you need. It's often good to go through a question and answer process before actually visiting the boat, as this will save you time during the visit.

As for the negotiation of the actual sale, be aware that most buyers will try to negotiate the price down. The best counter-strategy is to anticipate their objections and have answers ready. Still, you would always assume that you will have to concede a discount of 10% or so over the price you originally listed.

If you are well prepared and friendly but businesslike, you will make a good impression on the potential buyers of your boat, and you will quickly find a taker. Be sure to know what makes your boat uniquely attractive and valuable, and you are guaranteed to get a price for your boat that will satisfy you.

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