Water Skiing Secrets For Average People

By Lane \"Dawg\" Bowers

The first time you tried water skiing, did you find it too much of a challenge? Did you fall, or worry about falling? Or did you spend hundreds of dollars on costly lessons? While lessons can be useful in the long run, for beginners, there are a few simple tricks that will make getting onto the water much easier.

When you show up for your water ski training you will likely notice one special piece of equipment attached to the boat. This is called a bare foot boom. It is not only used for bare foot skiing but is used for learning how to ski. A ski boom is also good for wake boarding and knee boarding along with bare foot and water skiing.

The most important of your water skiing accessories is the bare foot ski boom. So you want to be sure you get the right one. They should be made from aircraft grade metals so that they can withstand the forces put on it while skiing. They are also specially shaped to fit the boat so as not to break the parts they mount on. It is a good idea to have your boom installed so there are no mistakes.

When you begin learning, start slow and stick to learning the basic rules and techniques of water skiing. Try to learn these things even before you go into the water for the first time as they are the most important part of your training.

Be sure to learn and use proper positioning when entering the water. Use of the boom will of course make this much easier for the novice, but this basic technique will serve you well throughout your water skiing days regardless of your equipment.

Another water skiing accessory that can help to make it easier to learn the sport is a swing. The swing is attached to and works in tandom with the bare foot boom, and is designed to help you learn proper positioning. Once you know proper positioning, your chances of falling become much more slim.

A skier will sit on the swing and work on the three point position and then slowly work up to standing up at the proper time and in the proper position. The combination of the boom and swing does this very well.

Use of the boom will greatly reduce your chances of falling, and you may wish to continue to use it even once you have fully learned how to ski. However, there may come a time when you wish to remove the boom and ski without it. At this point, since you are no longer protected from falling, ensure you are wearing proper safety equipment, such as a helmet and life vest. Of course, a life vest should always be worn when on the water, regardless of your equipment.

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