Taking Care To Play Paintball Safely

By Tony Masters

I'm going to go out on a limb and say something about paintball. Though it has been categorized as an "extreme" sport, paintball is one the safest sports currently played today. Intensity of the game makes it extreme and carefully played by people makes it safe.

Players take it seriously which makes paintball one of the safest sports to play. A good game of paintball can only be played decently if accompanied by responsibility and accountability. You must keep in mind that caution is the word of the day because paintball has the potential of being dangerous.

The fact that the world of paintball has a huge injury myth has been kept by PSP (Paintball Sports Promotions). This myth only exists in the minds of general public and not in the statistical data. The industry has revealed that the not so common eye injury which has been highly publicized almost always occurs when the proper protective gear in not worn and on fields that are unsupervised and often illegal.

Statistical data enumerates that only .2 injuries occur per 1,000 exposures, giving paintball the lowest injury rate of any extreme sport. An average player will suffer an injury about once every 500 years has been highlighted by Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association.

Goggles are the number one priority, out of all the gear that is involved in the sport of paintball. The sport of paintball is extremely safe if played on a regulated field. Wearing of goggles is mandatory at all times while playing on the legitimate field. To block accidental discharge of paintballs from guns (markers) in staging areas, use of barrel plugs or barrel socks are also employed by field owners.

If we see an overall picture in comparison to other sports of today like soccer, tennis, and even bowling, paintball stands safer than them. I must mention here that this game is played mostly by girls and guys ages 12 -24. I can't tell you how much fun I have when I have the chance to get out there inspite my age being 35 years. Age doesn't matter so much if the player is active enough. I have seen guys as old as 45 enjoying the game thoroughly.

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