Obtaining Water Within the Wild To Survive

By Donald Appelholz

Everyone has seen movies or documentaries that deal with survival in the wilderness, but one can hardly imagine oneself in such a precarious position. Although this seems relatively unlikely, such a situation is cannot be completely ruled out.

For example if your car ran out of gas in a remote area, it pays to rely and help yourself should it come to that. Its possible though that help can come to you since if it's a highway and many motorists can help you out.

Sufficient amount of drinking water should be used for trips to remote areas for your own safety, so that a real threat is eliminated. Also, most mobile phones or radios are available for such excursions.

However, a situation that is more serious is when you crash land in the forest or you get stuck on a remote island. You have no one to help you for a time and you only have yourself to rely on in order to survive.

If you are hurt in any serious way, this could almost mean the death sentence for those affected. It is almost impossible to survive with a broken leg or arm in the wilderness because the wounds are usually infected and gangrene sets in immediately. Even with such injuries one is vulnerable to attacks by bears, wolves or similar predators.

Finding water to drink is very vital in a survival situation. If you're in the wild, it can be found in small springs or rivulets. Drinking owns urine is an option but it should be in a small volume and not to often.

With the help of a survival technique water can be produced. If in case there are no water resources you need to dig the deepest possible hole. Look for the bottom of valleys and signs of vegitation as a likely spot to dig.

If you don't have fire or a can to boil your water then filtering it by putting sand in your sock will have do. If you have the right emergency preparedness supplies and you come prepared, a filter tablet is the best method to make your water safe.

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