Planning For One Year Food Storage

By Daryl Wilkinson

Many people do not see the necessity for one year food storage but such a strategy has many benefits. Who can really predict when there might be a natural or man made disaster? In these economic times many people may not be enjoying the same job security they had before. If you are able to plan and execute a long term store at your home you and your family are set up in the event of the unexpected.

The first thing you need to consider in a planning a long term supply is where you are going to keep it. It is always a good idea to have a particular place to store such goods separate from your general grocery shopping. This will help you to keep track of stocks and know when you have to replace items to keep the 1 year projection intact.

A large cupboard or some trunks or some sealable crates are good options for your store project in the absence of an available pantry or cellar. Moveable containers can also be stored in a garage or a shed if you have one.

Frozen items can play a part in your storage plans but do not place too much emphasis on this method. Remember that in the event of some emergency scenario like an earthquake or a bombing the power supply could occur and your supplies will be at risk. Instead, focus on dried produce and also bottled are canned produce.

Ensure that you have items from each nutrition group in your supplies. You can have flours and meals such as bread flour and cornmeal to serve as your carbohydrates. Beans and pulses and dried soya products are good for proteins. Vitamins can be obtained from canned vegetables and fruit preserved in jars.

Do not delay in planning for your one year food storage. You never know when you might need to depend on it. If you need advice check online for relevant websites and forums.

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