Spring Turkey Hunting - Tips Before Hunting Season Begins And Bag More Turkeys

By Bill Murphy

During spring season, families flock to places around the country where turkey hunting is the top activity. Hunting is one of the most favorite American past times. For those who would love to try their hand at this come spring time, here are some spring turkey hunting tips to remember.

When you're out hunting, the basic concept is to get as close as possible. There are varying opinions as to what is the perfect distance, but to be sure, you have to get within 100 to 150 yards. Second on the list of this spring turkey hunting tips article is to learn the art of calling the bird over when he decides to be stubborn. Remember that when you're trying to get close to the animal, be as quiet as possible.

To do this, you can either use soft "clucks" or "purrs" to get the bird to come over. If these don't work, you can resort to imitating the sound of turkeys scratching the ground by rustling the leaves with your hands. There are certain techniques that you should learn in doing these sounds and once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to execute them with ease. If this doesn't work, the best option to take is to change your position and call the turkey once more.

When all these fail, the best you can do is to just stop whatever it is your doing and just patiently wait for the turkey to get closer. It's actually very normal for these birds to stay at a certain place for a long time so patience is also a weapon turkey hunters should carry with them all the time. Part of this spring turkey hunting tips article is also learning the art of waiting.

As this spring turkey hunting tips article is about to close, as a hunter, you should also learn that it's a big no-no to shoot a moving turkey. You wouldn't want to earn for yourself a messy prize, right? The best time to shoot at these birds is when they extend their neck, allowing for more shooting space.

If you hear someone coming closer to your area when you're set on your target, call out the other hunter's name to make sure that he won't mistake you for a turkey and shoot you instead. Lastly, it's possible to encounter another hunter during your hunting trip. With this spring turkey hunting tips, you can expect success when you start to learn on how to turkey hunt.

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