Surfing Revolutionized - Stand Up Paddleboarding

By Rebecca McKeich

Surfing has always been a popular pastime in semi-tropical and tropical areas and Hawaii is world famous for its volcanoes, luaus, pristine beaches and of course, the surfers. Suddenly, an old style of surfing which is known as stand up paddleboarding has suddenly become new again. Many surfers are hitting the waves.

Stand up paddleboarding, also known as SUP, was originally started in the sixties by the Beach Boys of Waikiki. These boys would paddle out on their boards with outrigger paddles to take pictures of the tourists learning to surf. The nick name, Beach Boy Surfing came from this. Also in the early years of SUP, the sport was used as a way for surf instructors to manage their classes for beginner surfers. The view point that SUP gave the instructors was beneficial in watching out for waves that the beginners were not quite ready for.

Back in the sixties, the Beach Boys of Waikiki would take pictures of the tourists trying to surf. This type of surfing became known as SUP, and was also implemented by professional surf instructors as a way to show and teach a group of people that were just learning how to surf. The SUP was beneficial on the water as in the beginning years it was used as a safety measure.

To take part in this incredibly fun sport one must stand on a board and row like you would with a canoe. Once a wave comes along they ride it and guide themselves with the paddle. This sport is great form strength training for the entire body. The motion of the paddle is a great upper body workout while the balancing of the paddle board is great lower body training.

They also could ride the waves when one became apparent and they used the paddle to guide them. Styles and antics of course were invented as each surfer perfected their moves. This art of SUP is so versatile that many of the veterans are now switching batch to this way of surfing.

This hobby is not cheap; the equipment used it very expensive. Paddleboards cost anywhere from four hundred to nine hundred dollars and the paddles that are used cost between three and six hundred dollars. This equipment will last a fairly good amount of time if taken well care of. Many people buy special bags for their paddle and board in order to protect the precious equipment when it is not in the water. It is also suggested to never sit a paddle board in a standing position, in order to avoid harmful falls.

Competitions are held yearly in this sport and it can be an expensive hobby for those who are just beginning to learn to surf. Special care is taken with the equipment as to prolong its life. Equipment bags for both the surfboard and paddle are available for purchase. If you are just beginning in the sport of surfing, why not give stand up paddle boarding a try as this type of sport is on the rise and will be with us for years to follow.

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