Zombie Apocalypse Survival

By Abel Aragon

Learn to hunt. Probably one of the first problem you will face after the zombie apocalypse is the need for feed. Hunting for food can provide a good source of nutrients and also give you something to do in the post apocalyptic world. The first few months of a zombie invasion will most likely deplete most of the food stores and canned goods a person would have saved, so assuming the animals are immune to the walking death they will be a best bet for nourishment. Not only will hunting help overall survival it may have to replace the normal activities you would have once enjoyed, most likely your bridge club and world of warcraft guild will no longer meet much.

Learn basic hand to hand combat skills. Fighting off a zombie with your bare hands is obviously not the method of choice but once in a close combat fight it is important to be able to at least have a fighting chance. With basic combat training a person who otherwise would be food, may be able to evade an attacker be it a zombie or crazed fellow survivor. Often times in UFC a proficient fighter is able to win because of his ability to evade the clinching and grappling of an opponent; a zombie will most likely attack in much the same manner so soon mixed martial arts skill could prove quite useful.

Get over food aversions. In survival school you learn to "go ugly early," if you decide not to eat something because it doesn't agree with your sensibility you may not last long in a zombie controlled world. With calories at a premium and all the best restaurants closed you need to make your way by eating things you would otherwise turn your nose up at. For example eye balls are almost entirely made of water and water is a very high priority so if you can't get over it you may not make it to the goal of repopulating the world with the few surviving mates.

Develop good cardio. Cardiovascular health will give you the get up and go you will need to outrun the zombies. Without good cardio you will stand little chance of getting into the local Walmart to stock up and get out with your non zombie brain intact. Building good cardiovascular health can be very easy, simple take 20 to 30 minutes a day to do some sprint drills at the local college track, beside the zombie benefit you will feel better and look better. Remember zombies hate fast food.

Prepare a "go bag." A go bag is a backpack or duffle bag that you have available at all times with the gear you need to survive for a week without any other assistance. In the go bag you should have food for a week as well as water maybe a firearm and ammunition. Some people keep a half gallon of fuel in the go bag which would be helpful for getting out of town in an otherwise empty car but, it seems to be too much of a fire hazard. Ammunition is not only useful for the sake of protection but can be used as currency because it can provide security. A light or heavy sleeping bag could be useful on the event you are far from any safe bed down location and matches can provide comfort on an otherwise cold night.

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