Texas Teal Hunting Is A Great Hunting Experience

By Craig Thomas

The late summer through early fall teal hunting season is a great time of year to go hunting. Hunting teal is very different than hunting other water fowl but has some similarities to dove hunting because you wear lighter clothing and insect repellent is required. If you are interested in trying teal hunting or need to tune up your hunting skills before the regular hunting season hunting teal is a wonderful way to get started. Research their eating habits and migration patterns so you will have a better idea of what to expect when hunting.

Since the season begins so early in the fall it is a lot cheaper than hunting ducks during cold weather because it requires less gear and it is easier to access hunting areas. Teal hunting gear requires lightweight hip boots or waders like the ones used for warm weather fishing. It is recommended that a dark green camouflage shirt, hat, and any dark colored pants are worn to blend in with the green foliage and mud in which you will be hiding. Heavier shirts and pants will keep insects from being able to bite through them. Insect repellent is an option as is a mosquito head net to protect your face and neck.

For teal hunting 12 to 15 mallard hen decoys will be needed. Find out how deep the water is that you will be hunting over so you can attach weights to the strings that will be securing your decoys. Usually two to three feet of string is all that is needed but it is better to be longer than shorter when you affix your weights to the decoys.

With minimal practice, you can use a high-pitched waterfowl whistle, feeding gabble, soft quacks, or a well-timed five-note "lonesome hen" call, but calls are usually not necessary. Special teal calls are available, but it is much more productive to be quiet than to make the wrong sounds or whistle.

The trend of using 12, 16, or 20 gauge shotguns works well, but almost any federally approved shotgun will work for teal. A pump, semi-automatic, or double-barrel will obviously allow you to shoot more birds at once than a single-shot gun. It is highly recommended that you go with an experienced teal hunter or a professional guide the first couple times.

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