Ensure The Greatest Flexibility Over Rough Terrain With ATV Lift Kits

By Madeline Finch

The underlying notion behind owning an all terrain vehicle is to be able to operate it on open rugged terrain where the average sedan will not go. Using one exclusively for city and highway driving defeats the purpose for which it was conceived and manufactured. But when going off road, it is well worth looking into quality ATV lift kits.

The idea of the off-road adventure is to get out there where one can experience nature in as unperturbed a state as possible. By definition, this means there are few, if any, options for assistance should anything go wrong. When traveling long distances in real wilderness areas, this can be a serious concern.

Exposed underneath a vehicle are fluid lines and other key operating features that simply can not be disregarded, as they are a vital part of the vehicle. One idea is to protect them with some kind of armor over the vulnerable assets. A far more popular option is to raise them to keep them farther from harm.

At issue is the plethora of things which stick out of the ground in unprepared pathways in excess of the clearance between the underside of a vehicle and the obstacle. When traveling of open ground, straddling a rock or stump is often unavoidable, but if one underestimates the height of the object, there can be problems. There are a number of vital working parts underneath which are vulnerable to impact and to accumulated muck when traveling in muddy areas.

Creating space by raising the body above the chassis is the simplest method, and with the proper parts and some know how can be done fairly quickly. Adding spacers in the right places allows the use of bigger, more rugged wheels and gets the bottom of the car farther from the mud. Unfortunately the amount of space this can gain is limited to only a couple of inches.

When attempting to gain additional space through raising the suspension efforts, one is in for a more challenging effort. This raises not only the frame, but the chassis as well, making it possible to gain greater space than through the body type operation. It is important that one remain mindful, however, that the modification will result in a change in driving performance.

When raising the overall height of any vehicle, there is a significant change in the center of gravity, which can have serious consequences in terms of operating performance and rolling potential. A raised all terrain vehicle will steer differently and roll over more easily in high angle maneuvering. This is one reason it is best to use systems that are professionally designed, especially those made for the exact vehicle you ave.

Almost anyone who has decided to purchase an all terrain vehicle has off road adventures in mind. Just how far off the beaten path one decides to explore is a personal decision, but having the greatest terrain clearance possible is always a good idea. No longer must one build something for themselves, in fact purchasing quality ATV lift kits is the smart and safe way to get the advantage.

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