How to Sell Fish to Restaurants

By Jeff Cartright

Have you ever thought, "If I could only make money from fishing, I would be one happy guy." Well the time has finally come! It is now easier than ever to sell all the fish that you catch to local restaurants and gain a profit from something that you would be doing anyway! All you have to do is follow the simple steps outlined by this article and you will be on the road to making a living just by fishing!

A commercial fishing license will be necessary for you to sell fish, no matter what state you live in. Almost anyone can get these licenses and they are fairly easy to obtain. You can follow instructions found online or contact local officials. Health permits and other types of licenses may be required of you depending on your state and county. It would be beneficial for you to contact state and local authorities to ensure that everything you are doing is perfectly legal.

Specific types of fish are illegal to sell. You will need to ensure that the type that you wish to sell is legal. Catfish, and others like it, are most likely fine to sell but it is important that you research this area anyway. It is also necessary that you know if the place where you like to fish is a legal site for commercial fishermen. The internet is an important tool so that you may find answers to these questions.

The next step is to advertise and gain customers! You can do this multiple ways. Probably the easiest and cheapest of these ways is to talk with local restaurants and see if they may be interested in purchasing your fish. You could also advertise via local media. These efforts are good for the smaller scale fisherman. If you want to make your fishing into more of a business, you can make yourself known to grocery store purchasing managers and franchised restaurants.

Following all of the guidelines in this article will help you to complete your goal of making money out of a hobby. You should have no problems with the law or with finding places to sell your fish if you follow this article. As long as you check to make sure that everything you are doing is legal based on the state in which you live, you can go ahead and reap the rewards of turning a favorite pastime into a living.

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