Immortalize The AR-15

By Francis Mosley

The AR-15 assault rifle has come to represent many things to the American gun lover. It is a rifle of exceeding precision and power. While not nearly as reliable as its counterpart, the AK-47, the weapon still functions well when properly maintained. Between the aspects of precision, power, and ease of use, the Armalite assault rifle has become a standard feature in many gun lover's weapon collection. It is featured in many movies as the weapon of choice for many heroes and villains.

The Armalite company were the original designers and distributors of the classic AR-15, which still bears the signature of the Armalite company to this day with the letters "AR". The Colt company knew a great weapon when they saw it, and bought the rights to the Armalite rifle design. It was not much longer before Colt gained a contract with the U.S. government to create an automatic version called the M-16. The AR is still in use today as a civilian model, only capable of semi-auto fire.

There is a dark, sinister note to the world of the AR-15. There was an organization in Ireland known as the IRA which has been strongly associated as a terrorist group responsible for some serious violence against the British. The Armalite has been known to be the Irish Republican Army's weapon of choice against their foes, which has given the AR the same dark vibe as the AK-47. Luckily, that sentiment isn't held by the majority of gun lovers and the Armalite assault rifle is still held in a noble light amongst gun-shirt-wearing, AR-15 loving Americans.

The support that the gun collectors of America have given the AR has been massive in the recent years. Not only have hunters started using the weapon seriously, but also sport shooters and collectors have attached themselves to this weapon as a community. Every serious gun owner has an AR-15 and will proudly support this rifle on their gun t-shirts and bumper stickers. It is a fearsome weapon, and its use for home defense is quite intimidating.

The AR-15 is a powerhouse of a weapon that has many great features that cannot be found on other, less customizable weapons. It has great levels of accuracy and is maneuverable and light. It has a punch that can only be matches by larger weapons. It is an American icon featured on many gun t-shirts worn by conservative gun owners everywhere. It is truly an American icon.

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