Selecting the Right Bicycle

By Shiella Marie Genes

It is beautiful, it's the perfect colour and it has more gears than you know what to do with. Wait, before you buy that new bike, are you sure it's really the right one for you?

Many people want to have a two-wheeled transport option without doing the research or having any understanding of which bike is going to suit their needs. Do not rush your decision - take your time and learn about the difference between bikes and which is best suits you.

By following a few of these tips, you will understand how to choose the right bike.

What do you need your bike for? Many think that there is one answer to this question - to ride. Bikes have various uses so it is important you know what you want a bike for.

Are you heading out to the tracks and trails? A mountain bike might be the right choice for you. Maybe you want a faster way to commute to work in the morning? A road bike or hybrid would be more suitable and lightweight as well. Planning to head down to the skating park with your friends? Clearly a BMX bike would get better air and live to tell the tale after a good jump.

Borrow a bike to try it out Do not be like other people that enter the shop, pretend they know everything and suddenly makes a decision based on the info sheet. If you want to have a good bike, you need to try it out first.

Look for someone with the type of bike you are interested in and borrow it for the weekend or, if none of your friends have the road bike or whatever type of cycle that you are interested in, look for a shop that will let you borrow or hire a test bike for a few days.

Buy Top-Class Bikes There are many cheap bikes and they are waiting to tempt you. Do not go with cheap bikes - you will find yourself shelling out for replacement bike parts far too soon. A good bike can be costly than some budget options that they place on their windows to tempt you, but durability and comfort is worth the money.

When you are in a budget, you can always buy a used bike. Buying a second-hand bike is more preferable than buying a new one but cheap. Getting a new chain, seat and other replacement parts to get a used bike into a new condition will not cost too much and you will have the quality of a good brand or manufacturer.

Chat with the sales person Not all sales personnel are out to make a sale by any necessary means. Discuss with your local Wellington bikes and accessories shop employees with what you are searching for and what your budget is - they will be more than willing to help you make the right choice.

Purchasing a bike is another significant investment. Relax and take your time to research about good bikes. Choose something that you enjoy and remember to have fun.

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