Why a Commuter Bike for WWE Is Smart

By Rob Sutter

World Wrestling Entertainment certainly has made quite a few partnerships lately. Whether it's the formation of the Be a STAR Alliance or work done alongside Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the professional wrestling entity has done quite a bit of work in order to be generally accepted. With a business that stresses physical activity, being a pro wrestling entity, I feel like a commuter bike line would be fitting. It could keep fans of all ages in shape and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Why would one consider utilizing a commuter bike endorsed by WWE more than any other? Well, think about just how valued the brand name is. I can imagine that a bicycle with the design of a certain talent would go for quite a bit of money. What if there was a limited edition bike with a Stone Cold Steve Austin design emblazoned on it? Biking authorities such as Linus sell vintage bikes as well as those which go at higher prices, so I feel like WWE could make such bikes out to be collectors' items.

When it comes to WWE merchandise, there's no question that there are constant rising of prices. When action figures from this company are brought into toy and retail chains, they're done in certain runs. For every five or ten John Cena figures in a set, there's only about one, if that, limited edition Ultimate Warrior to be found. Supply and demand done in this fashion only hurts those who want the rarer figures and when eBay sellers raise the prices to great heights, the hobby is made more daunting.

What if the actual wrestlers of WWE went out to sponsor this new movement, too? For causes like Be a STAR, the wrestlers who can speak well and articulate themselves in mature manners will often go to school assemblies to speak to kids about bullying. What if highly athletic wrestlers demonstrated how well these bikes worked in an urban setting? I'm sure that those who were already utilizing commuter bikes would be more driven to ride and kids who never thought about it would be begging their parents to let them get into the movement as well.

WWE constantly shows ads telling the fans at home that they should not emulate what the talent does on TV. They are highly trained and, as a result, their movements shouldn't be done unless the proper training beforehand. Even if the company does not endorse this, there's no question in the world that they would back such a harmless yet effective form of exercise as biking. Commuter biking, in particular, allows an entire group to take part in the same hobby they've already invested so much time into.

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