Bike Security Insights - Keeping Your Bike Around For Long

By Jimmy Cox

Although bicycles have been around for a long time, the rate of their popularity and use is now going up because of the many green campaigns ongoing today. Since there are more bicycles on the road, people with bad intensions are having a feast - stealing bikes left and right and reselling them at a much lower price. Knowing the best bike security insights could keep you from being a ready victim of such activities. If ever your equipment has already been stolen then you can learn the best things and bike safety tips to do in order to recover it the soonest possible time.

Start by having a definite place where to park your wheels. Perhaps, you are bringing it to work. Have an ocular visit first of the surroundings of the building where your office is located. Does your company provide a spot dedicated for your bike security? If your company does not offer one, have an ocular visit to the surroundings and see where you can park safely. Choose a location that is well-lit at all times. Look for public buildings or train stations nearby because they usually provide racks where you can lock your wheels. Otherwise, be keen not to park in places where parking is illegal. You may not lose it to thieves but you might lose it to the authorities and getting it back may cost additional expenses on your part.

Moving forward, purchase a reliable lock to secure your wheels with. Like what most bike safety tips say, quality locks are great investments when you want to know how to bike. Because of which they are priced higher than the regular locks you see in the market. Cheaper locks are usually substandard in quality. They break easily when your equipment is taken by force. Use two kinds of locks, as much as possible, to secure your bike. It is not enough to lock it by the handle. Lock the frame, stand and wheels as well. Lock it to something that cannot be moved, lifted or easily cut.

Substandard locks cannot protect your bike at all especially if they can get broken with just one forceful pull. Treat pricey locks as good investments for your vehicle and your life as well. Lock your bike to a sturdy pole that does not bend or break or get pulled off easily. Bike safety tips must also be observed inside your homes. Store your vehicle in the part of your house which is not visible to many people. Lock it to the cement pillars inside your house. If you have a pet dog, you can have your pet guard your bike all the time.

Have you ever heard of bicycle insurance? Owners of expensive models utilize this to somehow get the money - which they spent on buying the bike - back. Bike registration and police identification, on the other hand, can help you track your lost vehicle. In here, you will be required to take a photo of your bike. It must bear your post code in two of its parts; one part is preferably hidden. Find time to practice these bike security insights for your own safety too.

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