Can't Find Time To Exercise? Using a Commuter Bike

By Kyle Piraino

Before I heard of a commuter bike, I could not even remember the last time I had ridden a bicycle. Not many times do you even have a situation where riding a bike makes sense. Well I found the situation where riding a bike is not only a good decision, but a great one. There are too many positives to not consider getting a travel bike.

Some people do work on their commute to work, some people sleep, I personally exercise. Getting exercise on the way to work is a great addition to what you do in the morning. A lot of people complain they do not have time to exercise, and this ends that problem. Being able to get on your commuter bike and get a morning workout and a workout on the way home is extremely valuable.

A new bike costs a pretty penny I will admit. But that money is almost immediately made up for with not only the money you save on your commute, but the money you would save on a gym membership as well. You only have to give money to the bike once, and the lack of monthly MTA cards and the gym membership will easily save you enough money for it to be worth it.

Some people think that if you bike to work, the exercise will cause you to be gross and sweaty by the time you finally arrive to work. I disagree with this statement because if you live in a city, there is virtually 100% flat ground. Pedaling on flat ground is easy and gives you a decent workout at the same time. Companies like Linus Bike have created bikes that make it easy to pedal but still gives you a decent workout.

Overall, you'd be crazy not to invest in a bike. It makes getting to work much less stressful between the lack of traffic and amount of money saved. You get to work with exercise under your belt feeling good and with a lot of offices becoming more casually dressed, the suit problem is less apparent. I enjoy it enough that I would recommend it to anyone who wants to get moving in the morning and get some good exercise on the way home.

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