Increasing Safety Through Greater Ground Clearance With Yamaha Lift Kits

By Celia Hall

People have been modifying their vehicles for as long as vehicles have been around. Whether to make them faster, lower or just different in some way, tinkering with automobiles is a popular pastime. When it comes to gaining extra space between the vehicle and the road, the best solution is with genuine Yamaha lift kits.

With civilization providing so much comfort, it is a part of the human spirit that leads most people to feel the need to experience nature to the maximum extent possible. When this desire reaches a point that incites them to action, they head out into the wild. But actually finding a way to get to a place far from society, it is is not as easy as one might first think.

Some are satisfied by heading to the nearest zoo or wildlife preserve, but others are not so easily satisfied. Perhaps because of the constant impact of urban society, when people decide they want to go out into the wild, they want real seclusion. Getting far out into the wild takes some effort, especially because hiking can take so long.

This feeling is the genesis for a special type of vehicle that has the ability to take the driver and passengers over coarser paths. It might seem a little strange to take a vehicle when the idea is to become closer to nature, but some of the best sites are truly far into the wild. Once one has found a suitable place to set up a base camp, then foot travel for the sport of choice is even more enjoyable.

With limited corporate vacation allowances, walking or hiking is a luxury reserved for after one has reached a base camp, whatever one decides that should be. Getting there will normally require the use of a vehicle designed for the purpose. Using the standard sedan is not a good idea, as they, like most vehicles, are built to handle the smooth surfaced roads of which the national highway system is comprised.

When taking to the so called back country, one must be aware of and prepared for substandard trails that are frequently victims of natural punishment by wind and rain. Even if they remain clear of falling trees or rolling boulders, their use by other drivers and wildlife and the erosive effect of rainwater can make the tire ruts gradually deeper with time. One consequence of these ruts is the bottom of passing vehicles can impact the center ground.

The underside of any vehicle is vulnerable to impact at speed with rocks, limbs or just too much dirt and mud. When out in nature, if systems are damaged in this way it can stop a vehicle cold, leaving the driver stranded. Since the idea of travelling in such areas is to get away from civilization, help could be a long time in coming.

The best way to avoid getting the underside of a vehicle impacted by a rock, limb or other debris is to keep it higher off the ground. The most common way to do this is to install larger tires, as the clearance increases by half the increased tire diameter. But without additional work, the regular vehicle can only accept small increases, one can maximize the increase using Yamaha lift kits.

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