Should Commuter Bike Riding Require Dedication?

By Rob Sutter

Whenever I'm about to take a bike ride, I have not only the goal to stay active and be fit but to make certain that I'm only putting forth the needed amount. Making sure the burning sensation in my legs is felt is important, without question, but should more dedication than needed be put into account? It could potentially cost people a lot to ride but it should not have to. This is why having commuter bike systems in urban areas is quite valuable.

You will often see bike rental centers in parks and other areas in which biking are the norm. This is common when it comes to the commuter bike community and it's helpful for those who simply want to get active without putting forth any further commitment. This rental system is done so that people don't have to worry about breaking the bank since bicycles from stores can be quite costly. Companies such as Linus supply bicycles of varying types for prices but commuter biking has always been on its radar.

This method of biking may not put so much of a strain on the wallet but what about the sense of brotherhood one will experience? Those who live in these urban areas will, without a doubt, be able to detect the camaraderie that is present once biking is put into effect. When so many people do it at one time, the unity is undeniable. It's not exactly troubling for one to get into this trend and this can be all of the reason one would need to get into this trend.

How about sightseeing? While one may make the argument that sightseeing can be done on foot, you can cover so much ground when mounted on a bicycle. I know I'm not the only one who's guilty of taking in the sights around him while he rides about. In fact, this is probably the most effective way to do since you're both getting an eyeful of the world around you and keeping yourself in shape. With the added benefit of tourism, maybe the idea isn't so bad after all.

Commuter biking has been proven to be both enjoyable and rewarding for those people who have been able to stay dedicated to it. People can move along cities and parks without fail as they can exercise as well as absorb the sights around them. It's easy for people to feel like others can empathize, since they can often ride together with the sense of camaraderie strong. There's no question that the unified feeling is there and it only adds to the multitude of reasons one would need to take this trend up.

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