Some Basic Beginners Ghost Hunting Tips To Follow

By Rebekah Alford

Anyone who has spent time trying to find ghosts will know that it is impossible to give out any hard and fast advice about what to do when on an expedition. There is still too little properly understood about the phenomenon to do that. There are some basic ghost hunting tips that can be followed by anyone who is new to the activity though.

The most important thing to remember is not your spiritual or paranormal safety, but your safety in the actual world. While we can not yet say with confidence what various kinds of paranormal activity actually are, we do know that there are people in the world who might be out to hurt. As hunting for phenomena tends to take place at night, always makes sure you go out in a pair or small group.

Another important piece of safety advice is related to the activity tending to take place in the dark. Always make sure that you take a torch so that you can see. Having a spare torch and some spare batteries is also a good idea, to make sure that you always have a light source when you need it.

You will also need something with which to record any observations you make, and it is not wise to rely on technology. Instead, take a pocket sized notebook and three or four pencils. Pencils do not run out of ink and can be sharpened. Spares of anything are always handy to have around as items get dropped and misplaced.

Of course, some kind of technological devices are necessary to record any images or sounds which you may see during your trip. While mobile phones can offer some good facilities in this regard, it is wise to use them as back-up. Take the best cameras and sound recording equipment available to you which you can carry easily, as the reproduction of good quality data will add much credibility to your research.

Always go out on expeditions with people that you trust, and ideally with people who have done this kind of thing before. Blundering around in the dark with inexperienced people is unlikely to bring many results. Nor is it likely to be that much fun. Where possible, find a club or society in your local area which does this kind of thing, and join.

Being out at night makes it important that you wear the right clothes too. Uneven ground and possibly cold weather can make it difficult to concentrate on what you are meant to be observing. Wear warm clothing and shoes which can provide stability and grip for your feet, that way you will be warm, dry and full focused on anything which may be occurring around you.

With these basic ghost hunting tips you should be able to make a positive start to you career as an investigator. If you want to take it further, think about joining a local paranormal society or club. This will help you to make the activity fun, which is what anything like this is really all about.

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