Tips On Pheasant Hunting In Kansas

By Lenore Bolton

If you've ever been hunting for pheasants, you know that making a catch is not always as easy as it seems. If you want to be successful at pheasant hunting in Kansas, you're going to need to follow a few good tips. These few tips will help prepare you on your quest to get a great kill.

You can't simply jump into coursing for pheasants if its your first time. Scouting during the preseason is a great way to get prepared. Pay attention to the game departments that keep track of the population of pheasants before the season starts. Also try scouting areas where the population of pheasants is much more likely to be dense. Mark this spots and make plans leading up to the season.

No matter how much you want to make a catch, if you don't have the right equipment its not going to happen. Your choice of gun is one of the most important choices you'll make. You don't want something that's too heavy or that's too light. A gun that's the right size for you, and that has a great balance and range is very important. Clothing is also important. Orange vests and caps are great for helping other hunters spot you.

Patience is going to be your friend out there in the fields. It can get nerve racking spending hours waiting for for just the right opportunity. Even veterans in the sport get startled and lose their composure during these stakeouts. Some of these birds can surprise you at any moment, so it is important to remain alert and calm.

You will also have to decide whether to start early in the the season or later in the season. Coursing in the first half of the season tends to be very popular for most. A larger majority of these birds are taken during the first half. Towards the end of the season, many hunters have already collected their game and have wrapped things up. Experienced hunters tend to come out during this time in order to avoid the crowds.

The majority of the pheasants are available during the early season. Lots of people come out and take advantage of the amount of pheasants available during this time. With the crowd, although you do have more pheasants available, there won't be a lot of places to set up your space. Try going out to hunt later on during the day to avoid the crowd. At this time the birds are starting to settle and will not be as busy trying to avoid hunters.

If you prefer to hunt later in the year, you'll have plenty of opportunities as well. The crowds are a lot less, and there is more space for you to set up your spot. Unfortunately, since the birds have had a chance to wisen up a little bit, it can be harder to make a kill. You might have to venture out into heavier cover in order to find them.

These are just a few tips for those wanting to know some of the basics of the sport. Pheasant hunting in Kansas can be a great experience if you know what you're doing. Gather up your materials and be prepared to shoot.

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