The Facts about International Hockey

By Frank De Sousa

In both the United States and Europe, hockey fans can be found; the sport was originally founded, however, in Canada. Europe experiences a great anticipation for the international men's ice hockey world championships, while Americans focus their attention on the Stanley cup playoffs that are happening at the same time. A large concentration of NHL players in any country means that the best players will go off to compete for the Stanley cup.

For years, professionals were not permitted to play at the international level, but now that many Europeans play in the NHL, the world championships no longer are comprised of the world's best players. Hockey has been a major Olympic sport since 1924 and its country of origin, Canada, took home gold medal 6 out of 7 times that year. The latter years of the twentieth-century saw professionals from American, Sweden, Finland, and Canada banned from participating in the Olympics; in 1960 the United States won the gold medal, but Russia won all but two gold medals from the years 1956 to 1988. U.S.Non-pro College students went on to beat the Russians and win the gold medal in 1980 in Lake Placid, New York.

Most Americans weren't paying much attention to the sport at the time, but this began to change. The 1972 and 1974 Summit series had solidified Canada and Russia as hockey rivals. As a result, the Canadian Cup - where the best of the very best nations were able to play the sport - was formed. The name of the Canadian Cup was altered to the World Cup of Hockey and following that decision the United States won the match in 1996; Canada won in 2004.

The Canadian cup later became the World Cup of Hockey with the United States winning in 1996 and Canada winning in 2004. Ever since 1998, NHL professionals have been allowed in the Olympics, which gives top players better opportunity to compete and face other pros from different countries. Also in 1998, the women's game premiered in the Olympics; there have been nine women's competitions since.

The women's games are every bit as rough as the males, and as a whole, women are truly coming into their own in the sport. Although they still have a way to go in terms of really being there with males at the domestic and international levels.

Long ruled by men, hockey is a sport where women will have to work particularly hard to get serious attention. The game is still enjoyed by millions of people in Canada and the United States and still to this day still breaking attendance records by the throngs of loyal fans who still love this sport. Traditional games and pastimes in America - such as baseball, football, and basketball - are seen in the same way that many see this sport.

Whether the players are pros or whether they are newbies, hockey is its own little world with its own set of rules. For many, the sport is a very time consuming one that is as much a part of their life as the air they breathe; many are as involved in it day to day as some people are with soap operas. For some, spending 2 to 3 hours late at night on the ice is perfectly normal.

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