Top 6 Myths on Inflatable Kayaking Boats

By Hunter Livy

Inflatable kayaking boats are among the newest kayak options. There are however a lot of misconceptions surrounding the kayak type. If you are open to the possibility of one day using an inflatable unit, there are a couple of myths you need to be clear about first.

Myth #1: Inflatable kayaks are less durable.

Unfortunately, most consumers believe that inflatable kayaking boats are not durable Rigid hulls simply send out the impression of greater durability simply because they are hard. Inflatable kayaks however are made of a variety of durable materials like haplon, polyurethane and decitex. Aside from being durable on their own, most of these fabrics are multi-layered, extra coated and reinforced for more strength. Some inflatable kayak brands also electrically welded seams to prevent tearing.

Myth #2: They offer less stability than rigid hulls.

Generally speaking, boats with flat bottoms are more stable than those without similar bottoms. This means that many inflatable kayak models are also stable because of their flat bottoms. This is not the only reason for inflatable kayak stability. They also have multiple chambers that fill with air which makes them more buoyant and therefore stable on water. Good inflatable models hardly ever tip.

Myth #3: You would have to avoid sharp river objects if you have an inflatable.

Just because kayaking boats depress when you push your finger on the surface does not mean that they are susceptible to punctures. You dont need to especially avoid river obstacles. Some kayak model durability tests involve hitting kayaks with sharp objects and they dont get damaged at all. In general though, it is a wise practice not to drag your inflatable kayak across river bank gravel. Prolonged and regular dragging might not be good for your kayak.

Myth #4: Inflatable kayaks are difficult to maintain and care for.

It is true that some stored inflatable kayaks get moldy in their storage bags. But thats really only because they were not properly drained of water or dried before storage. If you make sure your deflated kayak is dry before storage, you will have no problem. Do remember too that inflatable kayaks do not do well in extreme heat and cold.

Myth #5: They are not as easy to maneuver as rigid hulls.

Compared to rounded-bottoms and small kayaks, flat bottoms and large kayaks are often harder to maneuver. Some inflatable kayaks however have skegs that permit water tracking without zigzagging. This makes paddling an easier and less energy consuming task especially on flat water.

Myth #6: Inflatable kayaks are pricey.

The price is another misconception. Just because they are made of state of the art fabric, doesnt mean they are expensive. Inflatable kayaks are among the cheapest kayak options. You can get an inflatable kayak for as low as $900. More expensive ones have prices that range from $1,000 to $2,000. Of course prices also depend on the brand name. More popular inflatable kayaks may be more expensive.

Inflatable kayaking boats are the next best thing in the kayaking world. The only way to dispel possible doubts on your part is to simply try an inflatable kayak. Youll see the difference it can make.

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