Read This Before Breeding Koi

By Brad Breeding Koi

Hi, my name is Brad and right now I am going to be talking about breeding Koi. Breeding Koi can be a fantastic adventure and you will get to see your Koi grow up all the way from when they were eggs.

Firstly it may interest you to know that the best times of the year to breed Koi is during the months of April to July.

These times of the year have been proven to be the mating seasons for Koi and I have found this time to be the best from my past experience.

The first thing is to choose the Koi that you want to breed for your breeding Koi venture. Choose the Koi whose colours and characteristics you like the best.

So when you have chosen your favourite Koi to do the mating the next thing you need to do is to make sure they are sexually mature, A sexually mature Koi is usually around 9-10 inches long.

The next breeding Koi step after you have chosen your Koi you want to mate is to put them in a separate pond or tank.

It may interest you to know that the new pond you are putting your mating Koi in is going to need a few essential things.

So the first essential thing your Koi are going to need is a place to lay their eggs. You can use branches or pond grass will do the trick.

In the past a great way I made a place for them to lay their eggs was to tie a piece of rope to the side of the pond and the Koi laid their eggs on the rope.

The next important think when breeding koi is that the newly hatched fry have some privacy. As they are venerable and are unable to swim they need a safe and secure place to hang out for a while.

After your fry have hatched you should not feed them for the first 3 days. After the first 3 days make sure they have plenty of food. You will know that your Koi are ready to be fed because they will surface from their secure place and gather near the water surface.

It is important to know that when breeding Koi you need to make sure the breeding pond has a constant supply of fresh oxygen, this is because newly born Koi cant breathe and rely on the oxygen in the water to keep them alive.

So remember that you are going to need a pump or water feature to make sure your Koi get oxygen.

So remember these tips and information and you should do well breeding Koi from now on.

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