Where to find the Pike

By Jonny Edvardsen

A pike is a fish that is usually very easy to catch. There are however a few things you need to know. To illustrate these points we will use an example.

There are many similarities in the animal kingdom. When watching animal programs you can see these similarities, and the differences if pay attention. Wolves and lions are similar in many ways, but there is one thing that separates them in particular.

The wolf is a predator that can chase a prey for days. Just following it and tiring it until it falls down. This is a tactic that is commonly used by another fish, the salmon. It too chases its prey around in the water until it catches up.

When we see a lion, on the other hand, we can see a totally different strategy used. It waits in high grass for its prey to come walking by. It then rushes out of its hiding place with extreme pace and catches the poor animal. This can be compared to the way that a Pike catches its prey. It finds a hiding spot, and waits for food to swim by just like the lion.

What can we learn from this? Well, a couple of things actually. First of all we learn that we should usually fish close to a likely hiding place. These places are always good pike spots, and should be identified as soon as you approach the water.

Another thing that we can tell is that we can often find the pike close to the bottom. This is usually where the best hiding spots are, and therefore the pike likes to be there.

Does this tell us anything about what bait to use then? It actually does. We should use something that looks like a fish and can be fished close to the bottom. The first thing you should think of is a sinking wobbler. This bait resembles an injured fish and will be the perfect target for a pike. Another thing you can consider is live bait.

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