Choosing Reptile Lighting For Your Pet

By leo capriceoni

Have you ever heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD? Sometimes called seasonal or winter depression, or the winter blues, SAD is a condition that affects humans during the winter when climate conditions limit exposure to sunlight. Many patients are successfully treated simply by exposing them to a special type of light that closely mimics natural sunlight.

Your reptile pet needs sunlight too; he or she requires enough sunlight or a form of artificial light to provide the same benefit. Your pet will not be able to tell you about their depression, you will need to observe their actions. Deprived of the proper light your pet may stop eating as it should or be less active than usual. Bone disease, rickets, or renal problems may develop from long-term lack of proper lighting. Given the proper lighting, your pet will remain healthy, active, and procreate.

Heat and light go together if you have a reptile pet, they need heat and light to thrive. Most lights produce heat, some produce more than others do. You may have seen heat light bulbs in stores or noticed the lights that keep the food warm in restaurants, even a common light bulb puts off a certain amount of heat.

In years past, it was thought that providing heat for a pet reptile was sufficient. Now we know that not only do reptiles need a specific level of heat and humidity that closely mimics their natural habitat, they also need specific types of light. Of course, the optimal light for your pet reptile would be the natural sunlight of its natural habitat. It is unlikely that the natural sunlight at your location would be an exact match, and it is usually impractical to house your reptile outside.

Your pet needs the right kind of lighting to properly process vitamin D. Vitamin D and calcium are important for bone health and also for the nerve cells to work well. Your reptile could develop bone problems such as osteoporosis if they do not get enough calcium. They can also have problems with their nervous system and even die.

Reptiles can absorb Vitamin D when it is in their food, or with exposure to light they can convert vitamin D precursors (substances from which other substances are formed) into vitamin D in their skin, just like humans. But for the skin to produce vitamin D, it needs to be exposed to UVB light, or ultraviolet light of the B-band or type.

When choosing a light for your pet reptile, make sure to choose a light that provides UVB light. Ideally, 5% of the light will be from the UVB spectrum if you keep pet reptiles that are active during the day (diurnal). If your pet is active mostly at night (nocturnal), it may not need exposure to UVB light at all.

Make sure your pet will be able to get out of the light and heat and go to a cool dark place. Its instinct will tell it when it has had enough light and heat. Making sure your pet has a place to get the proper light and heat and a dark cool place to go will ensure you have a healthy reptile pet.

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