5 Tips To Progress Your Skiing And Snowboard Progression

By Pete Mckinley

Most of us want to get better and progress our skiing/snowboarding, but why is it that some of us find a way to learn much a lot quicker versus others? You're comitting to the hours and trying to learn, but it's not going rapidly.

Below are a few ideas that that can be done to learn and develop faster.

1) You shouldn't move too far outside of your comfort zone. Nonetheless, this doesn't necessarily imply that you must live inside your comfort zone continuously. Live a little occasionally!

If you're at ease with intermediate ski runs, why not give an easy expert ski run a look? If you ride a large amount of freestyle, perhaps you should consider learning to rotate in a different direction.

You'll likely fall a whole lot and maybe even face plant, but that's generally a part of learning. I suggest attempting to master new things on days when the snow is not rock solid.

2) Take time to discover what the proper method is for whatever you're endeavouring to achieve. Learning an incorrect technique may not only hamper your progress, but might also give you a lot of undesirable habits that can be difficult to eliminate down the line.

Applying flawed technique is similar to striking your head on a brick wall and wanting to break through. On the other hand, having suitable technique is like having a sledgehammer to rip down that wall. This still requires some work but it sure makes a big impact having that sledgehammer!

3) Skiing/snowboarding with a friend who's able to provide you with that necessary push is always helpful. You are going to discover that whenever you ski/snowboard with somebody better than you, they'll motivate you to try new tricks which you might otherwise not want to attempt. These friends can also be a fantastic source of information for valuable hints and techniques.

4) Seek out lessons. This might be rather straightforward, but you would be shocked at how much impact a week's amount of lessons will make. Great instructors can make things much easier to understand, not to mention help to correct your riding technique.

5) Film yourself skiing/snowboarding. This tends to make a huge difference. Having the capacity to view your own riding technique and discover exactly what errors you're making is surely an eye opening experience.

Have a buddy film your riding and observe the video at the end of the day. Examine your technique and look at what things you can do to get better. It's handy to have another person who's skilled watching as well, but in the case you're without help, you can view videos of good technique on the internet and do a comparison of your personal video footage to discover what mistakes you should fix.

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