Try A Colorado River Raft Eco-Vacation Leave the Internet Behind For a Few Days

By Stephen Daniels

Vacation - a space between occupations, a time apart, a time of separation from the worries of daily life and work. In our hyper-linked world of mobile phones, the Internet, and television, we are never truly shut off from our web of daily existence. Perhaps it is time to consider a true disengagement from everyday drama with an eco-friendly vacation. How about getting outdoors into the fresh air where you will meet a great group of people and enjoy an adventure of a lifetime? Are you up for a Grand Canyon rafting trip?

Now, there are lots of rafting trips offered, but when you think white water rafting, have you ever considered the top daddy of them all - the Grand Canyon? About a mile below the rim of the Grand Canyon roars the Colorado River. Its course was etched deeply into the land over millennia while the Grand Canyon was forming. While the remoteness is an important part of what makes such a vacation special, it also makes cell phone and wi-fi Internet reception pretty much impossible.

While you are taking a holiday from the chatter of everyday life, if there is a real emergency, your Colorado River guides have satellite phones. Really, you won't miss being able to text your friends a blow-by-blow account of the many natural wonders you'll be experiencing. You'll be too busy holding on for dear life as your guides navigate you safely through the rapids and around the rocks, eating scrumptious meals by the river; or taking side hikes to view side canyons few others have ever seen, or ancient traces of early human habitation in the canyon. As your work buddies and neighbors fall asleep to the sound of automobiles and motorcycles, you'll be out under the stars lulled by the sound of a crackling campfire and the river rushing by.

On a Colorado River raft trip you'll get wet - really wet, which is why your guides advise you to dress in layers (natural fibers during summer months and appropriate synthetics during the winter). Wool pants are perfect around the campfire during cooler weather, but definitely not advised while on the river. During the cooler months, having a wet suit along can be a great thing, and will provide extra comfort when blazing summer days suddenly change to soggy gray clouds leaking some liquid sunshine on your parade.

A hat will help shield your head from the mid-summer sun and a dry bag is designed to carry immediate essentials such as a change of clothing, camera gear and other valuables that you don't want wet. Yes, you can carry your cell phone, however, there is no guarantee it will stay dry, and besides, the mile high canyon walls block reception from the outside world.

One camper enthused, "Without cell phones, television and the Internet, and instead stars and moonlight, gentle winds and soothing rivers, all our needs can be met."

So, unwind, leave your electronics at home, and get ready to experience the seventh natural wonder of the world in all its glory. When you leave the grid behind and reconnect to nature and to yourself, you'll be aware that you are experiencing something that few before you have. Now that's an eco-vacation!

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