Why cyclist are likely to be involved in traffic accidents

By Edward Corden

Being a cyclist can be both a rewarding yet dangerous form of transport and hobby. People who commute using a bike can save a lot of money and stay fit but at the same time they put themselves at risk of collisions with vehicles which are much heavier and move much faster than their own. When a person has an accident on a bike there is little there to protect them and traffic accidents involving cyclists are far too common.

Because of the number of accidents involving cyclists and the disregard which comes from many motorists, a lot of cyclists have started recording their travel in case they need evidence when something does happen to them. One such incident was posted on the internet where a motorist assaulted a cyclist who expressed their displeasure at the motorists driving.

Road traffic accidents involving cyclists are far too common and one example is an accident which occurred in Islington, London. A cyclist was in a collision with a bus and his injuries were so bad he had already unfortunately died by the time the emergency services arrived. There is a high level of traffic in London and there are also a large number of cyclists who try to avoid the congestion by cycling to work. As such there are rather a high number of accidents involving cyclists in the capital.

Another example of the problem in London occurred when a 22 year old student was hit by a bus on her way home and dragged underneath the wheels. The woman spent 11 days in intensive care in hospital but unfortunately died from her injuries.

It isn't only in London where such accidents take place though. A 63 year old man in Dublin suffered fractures to his leg and skull as well as kidney, eye and shoulder damage when he was the victim of a hit and run. The man was eventually able to claim compensation for his injuries when the woman who hit him came forward and admitted being at fault.

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