How To Clean Your Semi Automatic Rifle

By Chris Channing

Owning a rifle requires great responsibility. All rifle training classes taught to adults and children stress caution in safety and through properly caring for a rifle. Neglecting a proper cleaning can lead to degradation of the rifle materials, as well as pose a grave safety risk if the rifle becomes too tainted.

Before attempting to clean a rifle you will need a cleaning kit. You can find these anywhere rifles are sold, at pawn shops, and using the Internet to find specialty stores. A low end kit will run a measly ten dollars, while the high end kits will cost about twice that. They are relatively cheap, and for the price, it's the best investment you can put into your rifle purchase.

The barrel of the rifle accumulates much of the residue left behind from a bullet firing. The first step is to accurately clean out the inside of the barrel and leave no residue particle left behind. Prevent grime that builds up here frequently: you don't always have to take your rifle apart to clean everything, but it's good practice to at least frequently clean the barrel and any easy to reach parts.

A deep down clean requires that the owner disassembles the rifle. In doing so, the owner is able to clean hard to reach places that residue tends to call home. It is not an easy process, or a short one for that matter. If it's your first time it would be best to have someone who has done it before show you the ropes, so to speak. If you must go it alone, be sure you have a manual handy from your manufacturer to guide you through the process.

Another important part of the cleaning process is checking for wear or tear on individual parts. Before you reassemble the rifle you should check each part for durability and consistency. Your owner's manual for the rifle should detail key parts to look at if you are not already familiar with them. Otherwise you will need to do research so you are able to prevent any accidents that come from worn out parts.

Once the gun is reassembled, the owner should do a final pass over the rifle with a cloth dipped in cleaning solvent. Allow the rifle to dry and store in a safe place. Remember to store the rifle where it may not be reached by children. Also remove any ammunition in the chamber and place the magazine to the rifle in a locked box for when not in use.

In Conclusion

Plan on spending a couple of hours or more cleaning your rifles. Depending on how much you fire each one, you may not need to clean some as frequently as others. It is still good practice to give them all a good cleaning at the same time. Make an enjoyable afternoon out of the process.

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