Learner Bikes for Kids

By Harry Minsky

I can remember like it was yesterday trying to learn to ride my first bicycle. My pop took the coach wheels of my bike, took me out in the yard and ran alongside me while I peddled furiously and rode right into a rose bush. At the time it just looked the way that folks learned how to ride, trying to work out balancing and peddling all at the same time.

And all of that time that I had spent riding around with training wheels did not appear to help me at all because it never taught me to balance on my own.At the time I never really thought too hard about the undeniable fact that this was a daft way to learn to ride a bike. The Germans clearly did because when I arrived with my two kids in Germany virtually every parent had a balance bike with children zooming all over on them. It just seems such a reasonable invention.

Advantages of Balance Bikes for Youngsters

The gigantic advantage of a balance bike (infrequently also known as a run bike or more kind bike) is that kids learn only to balance when they first start riding it instead of having to try to balance and pedal at the same time. The way in which it works is the kid just sits and can steady themselves with both feet. They bit by bit learn to push themselves along and as they get better they can go quicker and quicker. In almost no time at all you see kids go zooming along on their tiny bikes. It is kind of fantastic.

I saw the same with my first boy who has seen his confidence and balance improve fantastically quickly since we got him one. I've also seen with the youngsters of all our German chums that when the children move on to correct pedal bikes they have almost no difficulty making the transition. No racing downhill with pa on the side and almost not scrapes and falls.

The Kettler, Puky and Other Popular Run Bikes

There is rather a wide choice of balance bikes available around the planet but a lot of them are German, which makes sense since this is the home of the balance bike. The hottest one in Germany is the Like-A-Bike. This is a pretty wooden balance bikethat is a real treasure. Unfortunately they're quite costly, even here. And they are so adored that they're exceedingly difficult to get reasonably second hand.

I determined to go for an inexpensive balance bike and our choice was the Kettler. This is definitely not nearly as nice as the wooden bikes but it is about one 3rd of the price tag. We decided to go for it after I read up the result of the German testing agencies which gave it top marks. These are truly exhaustive tests and included looking into the chemicals that are used to make the seat and handlebar covers. On those issues it came out with top marks. It has also got a little padded strip on the handlebars so if the kid falls off they will be protected.

The next most well liked one here is the Puky balance bike. Puky makes a really big range of midpriced bikes and these are also truly favored. They seem more solidly made than the Kettler ones and feature a little running board so the children can rest their feet as they get more confident.

Having seen all three in action I would be assured in recommending any of them and a lot would depend on how much you would like to pay and they're all high quality items.

I am not personally familiar with the Skuut bikes but I hear good stuff about them and they're easier available in numerous parts of the Earth.

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