Simple Planning of European Bicycle Touring Journeys

By Tom Oxby

A cycling chum called me and mentioned that he and a friend were headed over to Germany for three weeks of bike touring and could I offer any information. I before long accepted that he was having a look at Europe the same way he is going cycle touring in North America. Meanwhile, European Bicycle Touring is very different and a more ordered experience.

The buddy commented he had a leaflet from the tourist office listing over 200 bike routes in Germany. To his surprise when I started mentioning some of the top bike routes they were not listed in the pamphlet.

For instance the 420 kilometer Romantic Road bike route from Wurzburg (near Frankfurt) to Fussen close to the Austrian border seemed to be missing. Essentially it is discussed but only as little bike trail in one of the states. The brochure promotes cycling by area and does not cover long distance cycling. You want to purchase one of the wonderful maps to take advantage of the various routes.

The idea of getting and staying on one bike trail for 400 - 500 or more kilometers was foreign to him. There are merely a few routes of this nature in Canada or the United States and none offered the facilities available in Europe.

I mentioned he could either cycle right from Frankfurt airfield or roll his bicycle right onto the bike railcar on the train as only the ICE (Intercity expresses) don't carry bikes in Germany. If he uses the trains on weekends the prices could be a great deal.

The mate needed to do some camping and also stay in some Bed and breakfasts plus a few tiny hostels. The reality is that the majority of these establishments include a full buffet breakfast in the rate and have storage locations for cycles is truly incredible, it makes planning easy. I have never, ever found this in North America, though some hostels do permit bicycle storage when asked, they don't have bike storage rooms.

I advised him not to get stressed over road traffic as on the long distance bike routes, whether in the country or cities you are riding along with motorists who are used to people cycle touring and well local cyclists out for shopping or a fun ride.

But this not only applies to Germany as all Western european states offer some variety of long distance bicycle touring routes.

Whether you take your own bike or hire you may need a set of cycle panniers for your gear together with the cycling clothes and you are all set.

So before going cycle touring in Europe clear away those North American perspectives about cycle touring and have a fabulous time!

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