What to Look for When Buying a Helmet

By Harry Jones

Whether you're a keen cyclist who heads out on the road on a regular basis or you take a leisurely ride every so often, a helmet is without doubt the most important piece of safety equipment that every cyclist should own. In the unfortunate event of an accident, a helmet could save your life. When you head to the specialist shop or shop around online, you will be faced with a whole host of choice and it can be difficult to know which one to choose.

Before parting with your money on a new helmet, there are several things that you need to consider. For many people, it is far too easy to choose a helmet purely for its aesthetic appeal. Although a helmet might look good, it might not be up to the job or be suited for your particular style of riding. For instance, road helmets are designed differently to BMX helmets. A helmet shouldn't be treated as a fashion accessory, the most appropriate helmet for the job should be selected.

As with most things, a lot of people think that in order to get a good helmet, a great deal of money should be spent. In fact, all helmets must meet a certain standard in order to make it into the shops. Although more expensive might offer more in terms of comfort and design, all helmets offer a guaranteed minimum level of safety. More expensive helmets may well offer even more protection.

Choosing a helmet that fits properly is of the upmost importance. Not only will an ill-fitting helmet be uncomfortable, it will also limit the amount of protection that the helmet will give you in the event of an accident. A properly fitted helmet should cover the top half of the forehead, whilst covering most of the back of the head. The bigger area of the head that the helmet covers, the more protection there will be.

It is vital that you choose a helmet that fits correctly. An ill-fitting helmet will be both uncomfortable and will not provide you with maximum protection. A helmet that fits correctly should not be able to move freely but should not be so tight that it is uncomfortable to wear. Ideally, a helmet should cover half of the forehead and as much of the back and top of the head as possible to provide maximum protection.

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