Commuter Bike, The New Age Of Getting To Work

By Kyle Piraino

When I get up for work every morning, I know what time I should leave because of how long it takes me to drive to work. I also have to think of the traffic that I will hit and any other extenuating circumstances that might arise. I envy those who live in the city. They have so many choices when it comes to commuting to work. Between the subways, buses, driving, or even just walking, city goers have a multitude of options they can use to get to work. If I lived in the city, my first choice would absolutely be using commuter bikes.

With the other options being subway, buses, walking, or even driving, there does not seem to be a reason why someone would choose those over a nice commute while riding a bike. Traffic has got to be one of the most annoying parts of the commute, and with a bike, it cuts all of that annoyance right out of the day, both too and from work. Add in the amount of exercise you get and it seems like a no brainer.

I personally do not even have this choice. I can't do anything but drive my car into work every day. It becomes extremely monotonous and boring to sit and creep down a major highway and get stuck at every traffic light. You can't help but start to be in a sort of daze while doing the same route every day with the most movement being moving your right foot from the gas to the break.

But a commuter bike could solve this problem for anyone who lives in a city setting. That annoying subway train ride or standing on a cramped bus could be easily avoided. The only problems I could see occurring is if it was very hot out, but even then in a city such as New York there are no hills and all the roads are flat so there would not be as much effort exerted when compared to a suburban area.

If I had the choice, riding my bike to work would absolutely be the move. The easy of travel as well the money saved on subway rides or bus passes would be enough for me to ride a bike. If I lived in the city, it would be a no brainer. Unfortunately, that is not the case. I envy those who don't need to drink coffee in the morning because their blood is already pumping from their morning exercise and commute combination.

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