Life Jackets Keep Boaters Safe

By Robert Cliford

Life jackets are one of the most important aspects of staying safe on the water. In fact, you may be required by law to have these safety devices on board your boat. Keep in mind, the best life jacket is one that is worn the entire time you are on the water. Accidents happen when they are least expected and your life could depend on being able to grab a personal flotation device quickly.

You can choose from a variety of life jackets. Some life vests are compact so they don't cover you completely; you are still free to soak up the sun and spray from the water. You might prefer the inflatable life jackets. These only take up as much space as a fanny pack, and when they contact water, they inflate automatically. If you hate to wear a life vest, then you should consider an inflatable PFD so you can be protected.

To be effective, life jackets need to fit the wearer properly. That is why children must not wear adult life vests. These devices are designed to keep you upright and positioned properly, so you can breathe even if you are unconscious. The vest has to fit under the arms and chin snugly.

In addition, make sure your inflatable life jackets are taken care of properly. One won't do any good if it leaks or has broken parts. They should be checked for buoyancy at least every year and discarded if they don't work properly or are faded from sun damage. Along with making sure your life vest is in good condition and that it fits right, you should also buy a brand that has been approved by the Coast Guard so you know it will work effectively.

The Coast Guard requires a life vest for every person on board a boat, but it isn't mandatory that boaters wear them at all times. Of course, it is best to always wear the safety device, but if you don't, it must be easily accessible. You must be able to quickly grab a floatation device when your boat catches fire or is in an accident. So always keep them within arm's reach and don't store them in bags or cases you have to fumble with.

It is a good idea to wear a life jacket when you are on the water whether you are out boating, water skiing, or white water rafting. You need to know how each kind of safety device works so you know which one to choose. For instance, the inflatable type vests are the most compact style, but they are best for adults that are good swimmers. Adults who don't swim well and children should wear vests that are made of foam.

When the unexpected happens, a life jacket just might save your life. You could faint from being in the sun and fall overboard or lose your balance when fishing; you could wreck the boat or sink it.

When you have a personal flotation device for everyone on your boat and make sure they wear it, you can be at ease in knowing you are prepared for the unexpected. Part of being a responsible boater means you take steps to ensure the safety of everyone in your group so the day is filled with fun and good memories rather than tragedy.

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