Squirrel Calls, do they work?

By Mike Westmoreland

Do Squirrel Calls actually work? The simple reply is yes. YES, for those who implement them at the correct times and know the differences in the calls, together with performing the calls correctly. As is the case with other species, no call works on every occasion, but some calls will work most of the time. The Squirrel Calls available today are much better than the ones offered just a couple years back. The calls are more accurate (in terms of sound quality and pitch) and tend to get a much better response but be certain to read the instructions carefully before using one for the best results. Here are a couple things to know about squirrel calls. Below, we are going to review a few different calls available today.

SQUIRREL DISTRESS SERIES- use this call first or after a lull in the hunting action. It generates a unique sound, that if coupled with the shaking of some brush, imitates a young squirrel that's been traumatized by some sort of predator. After this short series, listen carefully for the chatter or bark of nearby squirrels. At this point, the call has done it's job and you must stalk the squirrel. Sometimes, the adult squirrels will approach you, but the most of the time they just give their position away which is when you can stalk them and set up the shot.

THE BARK CALL - To add variety to squirrel calling try utilizing the standard Bark Call. This also is beneficial when there is a "lull" in the normal hunting action. By using this call, the communication lines are opened up and squirrels will vocalize to let their position be known. Listen for any return calls and head that direction

THE CUTTING CALL- When squirrels eat nuts, they must first cut the hard, outer shell of the nut away from the meat of the nut with their teeth. This sound is quite distinctive and quite often can lead hunters right to the cause. However, a hunter could have a difficult time imitating this sound. But now there exists a cutter call, which can be used to take more than one squirrel out of the same tree. When you shoot the initial squirrel, don't retrieve it but instead, stand still. Then start using your cutter call. When squirrels hear the crack of a rifle or even the blast of a shotgun, most of the time they aren't mindful of what has happened. But they will likely be frightened and will go to hide. After they hear that cutting sound produced by feeding squirrels, they often will come out of hiding thinking danger has passed and begin to feed yet again. Using a cutting call, you may bag a limit out of a couple of trees quickly. Use the same rhythm you hear squirrels make when they cut nuts. Remember, if you're hunting a space with soft nuts like white oak acorns or water oak acorns, give the call lightly. But if you're hunting a hickory ridge where they have to cut hard to break shells from the nuts, call louder. As a side note, if you want to save a couple of dollars try grinding the ribbed edges of two quarters together to get a sound close to the cutting noise. This has produced many good outcomes for me personally.. and it only cost me 50 cents.

Squirrel calling lets you hunt much more aggressively than the sitting and waiting method does. You can locate squirrels, stop them from running or climbing, lure them out of holes and make them come to you. With a few simple calls, you can make things happen to increase your enjoyment of the sport and bag more squirrels in each trip. For a more thrilling squirrel hunt, give squirrel calling a try

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