A Simple How To For Making Your Own Shooting Sandbags

By Celia Hall

Sandbags are simple devices that have been crafted from different material for different purposes through the years. They have been crafted from everything from animal skins to woven plant fibers. They have also been used for everything from controlling flood waters basic exercise equipment. In the middle of this lies basic shooting sandbags made by firearm enthusiasts to aid them with target practice.

Not surprisingly sandbags are actually not that hard to build for most people who put their mind to it. Most of the items you will need are quite plentiful and can also be purchased in most hardware stores in one form or another. Generally the prep time will be only a couple hours at most. Getting most of the materials and prepping them will generally take you longer than it will to actually build it.

The most ordinarily used filling material is common sand. If you go outside and look around, chances are you will find yourself looking at some sand. Many people think it is some what abrasive and will not flow enough for general use. Mostly this happens because it has not been prepped first before use.

You can find sand in many different places like rivers, gardens, stores and beaches. Once you have found some, place it inside a five gallon bucket until about half full. Use water to fill the bucket the rest of the way up. Vigorously agitate it a few moments and dump the water out. Replete this process until the water is not cloudy anymore.

After getting all the small abrasive parts and organic material out your sand needs to dried out completely. There are various methods to get this task done. The easiest method would be to dump it on a some plastic sheeting with a cloth covering and let the sun dry it out. In a pinch though, you could try putting it inside the oven and dry it out at around 300 for a four hours.

A sandbag can be made of almost anything that will hold sand. Many people like to make custom bags by sewing fabric together in different shapes. Cotton and felt are very good for this, though synthetic fibers can be used as well. Do not forget to leave a small hole at one end for your fill point.

Filling up the bag is generally the easiest step of the entire process. Break up the dry sand by running it down a sieve with a screen until will flow nicely without any big clumps. Put your small funnel inside the filler hole and begin pouring the sand into your bag. A good rule to follow is to not fill it more than 4/5 full. When this is done, sew the filler hole so it is closed.

Shooting sandbags have been used by firearm enthusiasts almost as long as there have been guns. While you could go to any firearm store and buy one for what they cost to make this could be a good option for you. The next time your out on the range and pull out your homemade superman sandbag you may just make a few new friends.

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