Can Kids Utilize City Bikes Well?

By Rob Sutter

While I don't want to sound like a cranky grandfather, I don't think children these days come outside too much. I might have enjoyed my video games as a kid but even I wasn't shy about going outside to play or hanging out with my friends during off days. I had a lot of fun cycling, but only if I had a parent right by my side. If you ask me, kids today should have city bikes in their possession because they can be very worthwhile.

I feel like the first thing to note about city bikes is just what their physical benefits are. Companies like Linus market all sorts of bicycles to the public but just as important is their focus on utilizing them as a means of travel. The physical benefits are there, since riding a bicycle for any elongated amount of time calls for calories to be burned. This definitely trumps traveling by car by a mile, to put it figuratively. Of course, kids are going to be a difficult audience to leave an impression on.

I'm not going to kid anyone: the Internet and video games can be quite enjoyable and they certainly have sapped more time out of my life than I'd like to admit. However, should kids spend the entirety of their lives surrounded by technology, never once taking to the outside world? In my mind, this can harm kids more than benefit them, which again makes me sound like an old-timer. How could this sort of attraction be diminished in favor of biking?

One of the trends amongst cyclists is known as commuter biking and, in my estimation, it shows the amount of positives the hobby has beyond physical benefits. Being able to and from places much faster in packed areas like towns dominated by automobiles cannot be ignored. The same goes for the idea of traveling with other bikers. You may very well find yourself riding amongst other cyclists and the idea of unity is one that cannot be overlooked.

That very sense of unity can carry over well if one child's group of friends grows to have their own biking circle. It could just be a single pack of kids from school who are simply getting outside in order to ride and, to a greater extent, stay fit. Hopefully this will be enough to turn the tide and get the youth in on this movement. If the amount of other positives didn't do it, then there's no question that this idea should.

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