Take Pleasure In Argentina Dove Hunting

By Noemi Wallner

Any hunter who wants the thrill of shooting thousands of shells a day with no bag limit should seriously consider Argentina dove hunting. The birds in question are the Zenaida Auriculata, also known commonly as the Eared Dove due to the distinctive blue/black ear coverts specific to this species. Their shining plumage also gives them the alternative name of Golden Doves, palomas dorados.

Eared Doves have become rife more or less all over the South American continent. Assessment puts the regional population at round about fifty million creatures. These enormous numbers cause the indigenous agricultural workers to regard the fowls as pests. It is claimed that they wipe out crops to the extent of forty percent of yield.

Crowds of the Eared Doves are spoken of darkening the sky as they take wing from their mammoth communal roosts en route to the agricultural fields of gold where they feed. Pastoral areas and man-made areas of apposite habitat provide just the right roosting environs for these flexible birds. When in Argentina hunting is definitely a top activity to take part in.

The country is internationally recognised as the ultimate huntsman's destination. The Golden Triangle of hills north of Cordoba is a major venue. Cordoba city is next in size to Buenos Aries and plenty of flights are available into its Pajas Blancas International Airport. Many specialist ranches and lodges will provide the paperwork needed to bring shotguns through customs. Another popular thrill is Argentina duck hunting.

Eared Doves average somewhere in the region of twenty-four centimetres long and weigh-in at a mere hundred and twelve grams. Their super wingspans engender remarkable manoeuvrability. These rapid, dexterous birds accord assorted and demanding shoots.

A typical shooting day sees something like two thousand cartridges discharged by each participant, from sun up to sun down. A bird count may average between forty and eighty per cent depending on ability. At least a pair of 20-gauge shotguns per hunter is suggested, so that hot barrels can cool down from such heavy shooting.

Argentina dove hunting trips should be seen as a holiday as well as a shooting adventure. Mountain sports, Dorado fishing, passionate football stadia, culture and nightlife are all on offer. Most hunts stop to lunch on "asados", famous Argentinean beef barbecued with flair and flavour. Wash it down with Malbec, the renowned local red wine. Take in a polo match, play golf or take a horseback trek through the pampas. This country has something for everyone.

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